Ad Infinitum’s S2 Finale - The State of Sonic Branding

Wired for Sound - Predator sounds. Battle horns. Street vendors. We have a long, rich history of using unique sounds and quickly identifying them. Sound is faster than sight, and it’s processed in exactly the same part of our brains as emotion and memory. In Stew’s words, “When we hear, we feel, and we remember. And the numbers back this up. 64% of listeners feel a stronger pull to brands with a cohesive Sonic identity.”

The Stories Behind the Sounds - Why does Intel Inside sound so good? Why is McDonald's “lovin’ it?” Why do our iPhone cameras go “click?” Each of these sonic tales is a brilliant and effective solution to a specific problem, best solved through sound. You’ll come away with some excellent back-pocket anecdotes, but we hope you’ll also ask yourself: What brand problems could I try solving with the right sound?

The Numbers Don’t Lie - Sonic branding is essential for staying competitive in an increasingly audio-first world. Sonic branding delivers 7-8x better branded attention, which is huge when considering only 16% of advertising is correctly attributed. Plus, it drives response rates up by 30%. One Fortune 100 company declares it "the most leveraged item on their balance sheet."

To fall in love with sonic branding, tune into the full episode.

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